The Director General of Defense Potential of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Visited Infoglobal

Infoglobal received a visit from the Directorate General of Defense Potential of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Ditjen Pothan RI), led by Major General TNI Piek Budyakto as the Director General of Pothan Kemhan RI. The visit was welcomed by CEO Infoglobal, Adi Sasongko, at the Infoglobal Workshop on May 29, 2024.

This visit was conducted to review the workshop facilities and capabilities of Infoglobal as an Indonesian Defense Industry capable of producing avionics and developing defense technology. In addition, the Director General of Pothan Kemhan RI also held discussions on the challenges faced by Infoglobal as a Defense Industry.

The CEO of Infoglobal hopes that the implementation of regulations and laws related to the Defense Industry can be carried out more fairly, so that the Defense Industry in Indonesia can grow and develop well and support the independence of technology and defense in Indonesia.