Boeing visits Infoglobal for avionics supplier assessment

AIRSPACE REVIEW ( – A team from Boeing visited the domestic private defense industry, Info Global, in Surabaya on 29-30 August.

The arrival of the Boeing team was welcomed directly by Infoglobal Operations Director Bagoes Soediarto at the Infoglobal Workshop.

Info global stated that the visit of the company from the United States was in order to assess Infoglobal's capabilities and facilities in developing and producing avionics.

Infoglobal has succeeded in developing avionics, some of which can be used for the Boeing 737-200 military transport aircraft, namely EFD-6.0 and DDSC.

EFD-6.0 is a navigation display for the Boeing 737-200 aircraft.

Meanwhile, DDSC or Digital Data to Synchro Converter is an avionics tool that can be used to convert digital data (ARINC 429 interface ) into analog data ( synchro ) on Boeing 737-200 aircraft.

